Anglesea Surgical Centre is a shared consulting suite with procedure rooms. Refer to the list of current visiting clinicians below.
At Anglesea Surgical Centre, we are committed to providing the highest quality healthcare in a safe and caring environment.
Our consultants and staff will make sure that you get the best possible care.
Please click on the link beside your Doctors name to access their contact details.
Our Clinicians
Eye Surgeons
James McKelvie - jamesandeye
Ammar Bin Sadiq - ammar-bin-sadiq
Verona Botha - veronaeyesurgeon
Simon Chong - Simon Chong
Sami Raunio - Nordic Neurosurgery
Luk Chin - ph 07 222 2515 or email
Kurien Koshy -axon-neurology
Where we are
Level 1, Symmans House
56 Tristram Street
Hamilton Central 3204
Entry via Gate 3, 56 Tristram Street
or Gate 2, 11 Thackeray Street